June Days

Around here, the weather feels like mid summer with humidity and the thunderstorms that pop up at a whim. Frodo has been policing the pool and has saved one toad out of many since they love to jump in but cannot jump out. Of course he's been saving salamanders for the last two weeks as well. He is living a full life. Yesterday was the first 'I dropped the frisbee in the pool now you go get it' game. He is quite predictable. June days are lovely - warmth sets in and jeans are set aside for capris or shorts. I wake up to the day breaking and Holly sits at the side window, watching the birds, swishing her tail in excitement. On Monday we walked by the river and then explored a new trail to us. There was a dirt path down to the creek which we successfully navigated, however when I was walking back up hill I tripped and fell on my face and wrist. My husband drove me to urgent care for x-rays and an examination. My wrist was ok...