This Week

This week the weather has decided to give me a much needed break. I've been enjoying low humidity and mild temperatures that have been rare most of the summer. I know this reprieve will end soon. I've noticed some leaves falling, dare I hope that it is an early sign of fall? I'd like to believe so. This week I've been seeking peace and calmness in my days. I love when I have a string of easy days where nothing is pressing on my mind, oh to bottle up that contentment! Then of course there are those days when everything is on my mind, I magnify their importance and maybe just maybe I am magnifying in error. How lucky that every single morning is a personal reset to focus on what matters. This is why mornings are the sacred time of the day for me. This week my husband has put up netting to save the kale and the cabbage from cabbage worms. It's a battle. He'll be retiring next Friday and the duties and tasks are in multitudes until that day ar...