Setting Intentions

Oh September thank goodness you are finally here. September hasn't been one of my favorite months because it tends to be hot and summery. However, September leads to October and I am all for that month! There were a couple of cool mornings this past week with low humidity that hinted of fantastic weather to come. Yesterday the humidity was back and I hid inside the house doing my crafts. My September goals are quite minimalistic. I want to read, knit, work on my artistic skills and journal. For quite some time I was reading a lot in June and July but August was not a reading month. I don't have a reason but I can reset and focus. I want my sketching and watercoloring to improve and the only way that can happen is to do it more than once a week. Do you get into ruts? You know, the kind that you do everything else but what you really want to do. I'm not sure why I sabotage my own goals. My journalling and keepin...