
Vacation Vibes

  Hello! Oh boy have I missed this space. I haven't taken a break from here for a week, ever. So the break was good. My husband and I went to a residential area of Virginia Beach with our son, daughter in law and our sweet grandson! Sadly, our daughter and son in law were unable to attend due to work schedules. It was HOT, too hot. I stayed in the air conditioning most of the time because I am sun sensitive due to Sjogren's Syndrome. However, mornings and evenings were fine for a walk on the beach. Also the added bonus of staying inside was baby duty! Our grandson is perfection and he is such a happy baby. How blessed am I to have had this opportunity! I am so glad we were invited. Of course, I did NOT knit a single stitch, painted a picture or journaled about anything. All I managed was reading The Stand whenever there were pockets of time. Each evening I was tired from the vacationing. I forgot how busy babies make a day. I need a vacation to recover from the vacation, ha ha....


  There is nothing really going on around here - true blessings! It's hot and humid so we are all hiding in the air conditioning and only going outside if it's a must. Frodo and I walk daily in the early mornings and that's enough outside for me. I'm trying really hard not to romanticize about fall and all its goodness. The cicadas started up this week and joyfully I thought 'yay, one step closer to fall'. Next up will be the acorn drop in a couple of weeks. My husband is a summer lover so I keep all these thoughts bottled up. I also try not to complain about the weather. But you and I know, fall is coming and it's going to be glorious! I bought a humidifier for our bedroom after being gently told by the RA doctor numerous times (four visits?)  it would help with dry eye and dry mouth. (Sjogren's Syndrome). The photo below is Holly giving the humidifier the stink eye. She cracks me up. And if you are wondering, YES the humidifier helps. The tattered tan...

Knitting News

  My knitting news is minuscule.  However, progress no matter how tiny is progress. I've been mainly working on my blue sweater . I haven't been knitting during the day and only knit for an hour or two at night. I tend to do this in the summer time as other activities become my focus. Also that dastardly cold really set me back. I am feeling better though! Even though my knitting is minimal, I am dreaming of new knitting projects I want to knit for my grandson and some other family members.  What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? On Saturday we all went up to my dad's place to celebrate his 81st birthday. We had a lovely lunch that was like a dinner - grilled salmon and roasted vegetables along with a bean salad and watermelon - yum. We ended up having beautiful weather (not hot). My cold is mostly gone but I'm still tired. I have high hopes that this week I will be back to my exercising routines. I've been walking daily with Frodo and that is pushing it! On Sunday, I worked in my art journal creating some spreads and tinkering around with my endless supply of stickers. On the right hand page on my art journal, the teeny tiny paper pocket was made by my sister, isn't she talented? After a dry spell, Mother Nature has gifted us with drizzly rain - what a delightful change!! How was your glorious weekend?

Simple Pleasures

  Good morning! Here we are another Friday and here I am writing another post about everything and nothing at all. This time around I'm going to be musing about simple pleasures and what I take for granted on a daily basis. Grab your tea, coffee or juice and join the meandering. When the nasty summer cold was at its worst, I romantically thought about all those days I could breathe through my nose. Seriously, we should all sing praises to nasal breathing. When I sat around and read my book, I thought about all the exercising and walking I do on a daily basis effortlessly. I have walked this week but golly it was an effort and I was so glad to get back home to sit. I am grateful I had the time and the luxury to sit at home and recover, there are many who cannot do that. I am feeling so much better! I am grateful for that.  Simple pleasures:  knitting, as always - thinking about a pumpkin hat for the grandson - buckets of hot green decaf tea - logic puzzles and sudoku puzzl...

Knitting News

  Well hello! This week there hasn't been much knitting because what I thought was a terrible allergy attack over the weekend was really a nasty nasty cold (definitely not covid, I tested twice). I haven't had a cold since before the pandemic and was not really ready for it. However when are we ready to be ill? I am thankful to not be blowing my nose every second, sneezing my head off every second and being able to sit upright --  it's those little things we take for granted.  Since Sunday I have been marathon reading Stephen King's The Stand which is about a pandemic virus. I do love how he weaves a wonderful story line and his in depth character development. Also the tingly creepy feeling of doom. Above is the seashell shawl and below is the sweater I am working on. For the sweater I went down one size and really hope that was a good decision.  What are you working on this week?

Weekends and More

  Good morning! Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do so grab your tea or coffee and let's begin! Last Wednesday our son, daughter in law and GRANDSON arrived for a three day visit! We haven't seen them since March and the visit was fantastic. Our little guy was friendly and full of smiles after a brief 'who the heck are you' look that was priceless. I fed him many bottles and changed very few diapers. (that is a great visit) They left on Saturday morning and I miss all of them already. I forgot how tiring babies can be and cannot remember where I had the energy to keep up with them. It took me 48 hours to recover from their stay. During their visit we went to the zoo and we had a family get together at our house. The other set of grandparents were able to attend and we had a grand time doting on the baby. Holly does NOT like babies. She hid under our bed until they were all asleep each day then came out begrudgingly.  Poor Holly!! Frodo thought the baby was here to ...