

  Frodo crossed the rainbow bridge today. We are sad and miss him terribly. October 2009 - August 2024 (the best dog ever!!) 

Around Here

  Around here, I'm noticing a shift in the weather. The cool mornings are delightful when I walk Frodo and sometimes it even feels like Fall is beginning. I've enjoyed my hydrangeas and their showy blooms all summer long. The black cherry trees are starting to turn yellow. I am all in for the seasons to change. Around here, I am noticing I am impatient with recovery and wearing a sling. I remind myself it could be a cast and still I'm grumbling in my head. Frodo was groomed this week and he will be 'cold' for 1-2 weeks until he adjusts to his haircut. He has been doing well and sometimes he acts so annoyingly. I feel blessed when I am irritated with him and his demands to be outside (he loves to walk around the yard). He is tolerating his new medicine well and we are happy. Around here, even though I am allowed to knit while my elbow heals, I find all knitting very slow going. Again, I'm trying to learn patience as an impatient person. I lean into gratitude and ...

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? I am blissfully knitting the second sock this week and loving the project. I snapped this photo yesterday and I am now at the heel flap.  My knitting has slowed down some (again) because I fell on Sunday in the kitchen doing something un-smart and my left arm and wrist has been aching since. Yesterday after dinner I decided to go to urgent care to make sure everything was okay because I had wrist pain. Luckily for me, my wrist was fine but my elbow has a little fracture in it. Luckily for me, I am in a sling and not a cast and I am allowed to knit. I'm supposed to have a follow up with an ortho doctor in two weeks, scheduling can be a challenge though. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good over all. The weather has been beautiful! Low humidity, sunny skies, mid 70's equals a picture-perfect outdoor weekend. Both Saturday and Sunday I walked longer than usual taking advantage of the weather. If summer was like this all the time, I would not wish it away like I usually do. As you can see, I am on the second sock and loving the free and easy knitting. I did some marathon reading of The Princess Bride .   I am quite amused by the book and I recommend it! We didn't do much of anything this weekend - we talked about boring stuff like lawn care (dirt patches from the lack of rain) while sitting on the back patio.  How was your weekend?


  Hello! How are you? How has your week been? I've been seeing fall leaves and I'm rejoicing in seeing the signs of fall. You and I both know that the falling leaves are from a lack of rain, but I don't care - It's so exciting to see them and I'm going with the eagerness of what is coming.  I hope you will join me.  This past week I've been thinking about gratitude in everything I can do. I walk with Frodo, I eat some great salads, I'm enjoying my knitting etc. Having a stance of gratefulness makes for a most wonderful day. I have a gratitude notebook where I write down what I am grateful for and why. This morning's entry was all about being grateful for hearing the local high school band practicing outside in the distance from my back yard. Both of my kids were in band and I spent endless hours shuffling them to and from the football field for practice in the summer. I am so lucky to live here and hear them practice. What are you grateful for today?

Knitting News

  Good morning, how are you doing? What have you been working on this week? I've been thoroughly enjoying the endless sea of stockinette knitting of my sweater . When I was young, I didn't like mindless knitting, now I love it! Who am I? The knitting is easy and comforting, just what I need at this moment of time. I'm also working on the first  sock . They will probably not match (again). I fear I might run out of yarn if I try to match them up so I'm going rogue and letting the colors fall where they may!!


  How was your weekend? Both Saturday and Sunday were relaxing and chill. I worked on the above sock each evening while during the day I worked on my sweater. Nothing super exciting happened over the weekend. That makes it the perfect weekend for me!! The weather was so humid and warm that it was challenging for me to feel my very best. This week is going to be hot and I need to accept that summer is here to stay. That doesn't stop me from wishing for fall to arrive though.  Below is a beautiful photo of Holly looking so pretty. She is an elusive cat, but sometimes she sits and poses for a photo. Yesterday was one of those days. How was your weekend?