

  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Monday? Finally after weeks of no rain, we are in a rainy season. Yesterday we took a long walk in the drizzle while taking in the signs of fall. We were a little wet but it was worth the fresh air. We visited his mother earlier this week and yet again, I have no photos to share. However, once I was home I was back at the documenting my life. Whenever we are visiting people we eat out a lot and so when I get home I need to get back to healthy eating and living. There is nothing like a fresh salad except a fresh salad made by someone else. Also when we got back home I started to feed the birds with the 'winter' feeder. Word was spread within the hour and I had my birds back. I love them so. Also my hydrangea bush is heading into the fall season beautifully. Saturday morning I ran a bunch of errands and did some returning at a few stores. Once I was home, I wrote down a quote I stumbled across, then did some knitting. I'm wor

Russet Cardigan

  I finished a sweater !! Honestly I'm thrilled with the way this turned out especially since I'm not knitting nearly as much as I usually do. How nice to have a finished item to wear when the weather gets chilly! Now I will be watching the forecast wishing and hoping for that autumnal breeze. What have you been working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful and relaxing. Even though it is feeling like summer (hot), it looks like fall when I sit on the back patio. I'm enjoyed being out there immensely. Of course once it gets too hot, I scurry back inside to the air conditioning to cool off. Both Saturday and Sunday I spent time outside with my knitting, reading or daydreaming. We had no big plans except for attending Mass on Sunday morning. I spent the whole weekend doing laundry and I'm officially back to my ordinary laundry schedule. Phew! On Saturday I deep cleaned the house and then basked it its loveliness. Yesterday on a whim I went to a local yarn store to buy some yarn for the grandkids' holiday sweaters. That was fun and what made it more fun is that my sister went with me. Sister outings are the best.

Joyful and Present

  Good morning, how are you doing?  I am fully recovered from our trip last weekend. I spent a little bit each day catching up on chores, going to my classes and resting. I love being home! Maybe I have more gratitude towards my home life only by going away?  I spent most of yesterday afternoon on my back patio knitting away for hours (with breaks of course!). I enjoyed being by myself, listening to the birds and watching my resident chipmunks and squirrels scurry around. I was joyful and fully present.  I finished knitting my sweater! Today I will dig around for the perfect buttons and weave in those pesky ends. After that will be the great blocking spa treatment.  As you can see by the photos, fall is inching its way in and squeezing out the summer days. I am so ready for cooler weather. Most exciting of all, they are predicting some much needed rain. We have had no rain for 11-12 days and everything is looking kind of sad from it.  How do you get into a 'joyful and present'

Knitting News

  Good morning! My knitting news is very scant this week. I did not knit over the weekend I was so exhausted each day and even on traveling days I was too nervous to focus on my knitting or even read a book. However, I am home and I am once more knitting in the evenings. The above photo is the last pair of socks for a Christmas present (first sock). I've mentioned this before, but I've scaled back my holiday gift knitting significantly so I wouldn't be 'stressed' out and I wouldn't initiate an arthritis flare. So far this is working out for me! I am in a lot of classes this first half of the fall session. In mid October my schedule will ease up a bit and then I can dive deeply into knitting. What are you working on this week?


  Hello! We had an exciting long weekend, we flew up to Cambridge, MA to visit our daughter and son in law and arrived home earlier today. We had a fantastic time and it's going to take me a week to recover. Inside I'm a spring chicken but my body is yelling at me 'no you are not!'.  Yesterday we were at the Isabella Garner museum  with them and spent most of the afternoon there. We love to go to museums and it was interesting to see where the stolen art (!) was taken from as well as which rooms. This happened in 1990 - my husband knew everything about it, I knew nothing until we got there. Over the weekend we were in four bookstores, we hung out at Harvard Square, drove to Concord and toured Louisa May Alcott's home, which I LOVED. I've read Little Women about four times. We attended Mass on Harvard Square as well.  We had lots of good food at lots of good restaurants. Oh and I met our new to us grand-cat named Puck who is a sweetheart.  I am so tired and hope

Knitting News

  Good morning! How have you been? How are your projects coming along? Even though the warm weather is trying to edge in, in my heart I am knee deep in autumn. No one can stop me! I'm on the second sleeve of my sweater, making great gains and enjoying the process. I thought the sweater might be a bit off in sizing but I tried it on and I think it's going to be okay. Also blocking does wonders squeezing out a bit of wiggle room. Phew!